Here comes the night..

Jobbig dag, jobbig känsla, jobbigt samvete..
Småstadslivsfesten börjar iaf ta fart och det är skoj..
Det ska bli roligast i år iaf :)

Jag är faktiskt helt slut efter denna dag, och natten till denna dag..
Rickard kom igår, sista gången man e bortskämd med varannan vecka nu :(
Berättar mer sen.. Orkar inte ikväll..

Lately as it seems, we dont get along too well..
With all the circumstances
that surround us..
Its like were cought between
the way we feel today..
And all of the nostalgia that binds us..

Here comes the night, and the hardest part of all
No morning light to receive my lonely call..
Oh no..
Here comes the night..

As every colour turns to grey
my courage fades away
The dream of you and me
is going under..
The ticking of the clock is the only friend ive got
To help me make it though the darkest hour

Here comes the night, and the hardest part of all
No morning light to receive my lonely call..
Oh no
Here comes the night

So i pray for a morning sun
To take me from here
Right back to where we begun
When you were near
And ill pray that you´ll be the one
to make my worries disappear

Here comes the night, and the hardest part of all
No morning light to receive my lonely call
Oh no..
Here comes the night

Lately as it seems, we dont get along so well..
with all the circumstances that surround us..

XX / Linda


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